Adult Ministry
In Matthew 28 Jesus gives what has come to be known as the great commission. "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations..." This gives us a clear statement of what we are to be about as His church, making disciples. Jesus then tells us how to make disciples. "...baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you." We are to seek loving and holy fellowship just as God is ever in perfect fellowship. This means that we must be about community, doing life together, going after the heart of God and of one another. Next we are to teach, in both word and deed, all that Jesus commanded, bringing every aspect of life under His Lordship. With so much of life clamoring for our attention and devotion, doing life together is essential and it is the model Jesus set and commanded for discipleship. Our heart for adult ministry is to follow the example of Christ and so produce ever deepening disciples of Jesus Christ who are a visible expression of His reign.
For questions or additional information email Matt Brown
Student Ministry
In John 4, Jesus has a fantastic conversation with a Samaritan woman at a well. In this conversation He exposes the broken heart of the woman who continued to chase after relationships that only ended in further brokenness. Jesus then reveals Himself to be the great lover of her soul, the one true and everlasting relationship that she was created for and that could heal her broken heart, fill her to overflowing and set her on mission. In a world that vies for the affections of our teenagers, it is our desire to lead our teenagers to this same love and grace of God as seen in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Our vision is to see our teenagers so captured by the love of Christ as seen in His cross, that they will be consumed by the mission of Christ and unleashed into the world carrying, proclaiming and living the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Time: Wednesdays
6:00 pm - 8:00pm
6:00 pm gather (dinners are not offered at this time)
6:30 pm game
7:00 pm worship through song
7:20 pm worship through Word
8:00 pm dismissal
Location: Adoration Church-10800 Johnson Blvd
* Bring your Bible...If you don't have one, we will get you one
Sunday Mornings-Contact Chevy for more information or to join!
Location: Chapel on the Hill-12601 Park Blvd
For questions or additional information email Chevy Kaspyrzyk
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Adoration Church Missions
As a church, our primary focus is that we’ll never wait “until we’re ready” to start serving our community, spreading the cause and the message of the gospel beyond our walls, creating relationships with the unchurched, and bringing global realities to our congregation. It would be very easy to wait until, “we have a building of our own”, “until we reach a certain size”, “until we’re completely organized”, “until we have every ministry within our congregation up and running”....and on and on and on. We believe that outreach and service isn’t a side note the church does when it gets around to it….it’s actually part of what God calls the church to be as part of it’s core. We want to be an example for our congregation of showing abundant compassion and generosity both in their personal lives and through their church. We are excited to partner with global and local missions partners.
Click Here to learn about our mission strategies
Local Partners
Abba Dabba Theatre is our first local missions partner. This organization aims to provide a safe, creative and fun family environment for children and adults to explore opportunities to learn and practice creative dramatics, acting and improvisation. A longstanding relationship exists between leadership of Abba Dabba and Adoration Church, which provides fertile ground for a relationally-driven partnership. This organization also provides the opportunity to connect with a primary target audience of ours, children and families, of which we have been uniquely gifted to love and serve well. Finally, this organization has touch points with the two areas in which we have felt a specific calling, public schools and recreation centers. While we still look to partner with a specific school and rec. center in the future, Abba Dabba is a wonderful first step which will enhance any future partnerships.
Global Partners
God calls us to spread his message and to use our gifts not only in our community but around the world. We desire to bring global realities to our congregation by ministering deeply in a specific place in the developing world. The more we have a unified global service initiative the more our local service efforts will grow. The heart of our Global mission efforts will also be to create lasting relationships towards His purpose and help our congregation to know how much bigger His story is than we sometimes realize. We will serve globally through partners who have a long term focus on spiritual and physical development.
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